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    Were not all the disciples incredibly relatable? Jesus handpicked followers that represented the average people of the day. By design, some two thousand years later, we see ourselves and our neighbors so accurately depicted. Scripture tells us that two of Jesus’s disciples, three days after His death, went on a journey several miles from Jerusalem (Lk 24:13-25). On their way they began to discuss the events of the past few days with an apparent stranger they encountered. They are unaware that this fellow traveller is indeed Jesus. This “stranger” ministers to them as they walk on and discusses all the prophetic references of His death and resurrection that appeared in…

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    Loss is never easy. Loss always challenges us. It challenges our will power to overcome devastation. It challenges our resolve to rise from the ashes victorious. It challenges our belief system and values, often ushering in those crippling, defeatist questions, “Where is God?” “Does he care about me?” As our world continues to labor under the birthing pains of this pandemic, we realize that we are surrounded by loss. Loss of finances and job security, loss of world trade and economy, loss of friends, family, and neighbors as inevitably individuals succumb to the illness. Loss of our freedoms to come and go as we please, loss of social contacts and…

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    Lenten Reflection Day 39

    “You are what you eat.” Today we celebrate the institution of the Eucharist. Jesus breaking bread with His disciples explaining to them that He is the bread of Life. Those who eat of this bread will never die. He instructs them to continue this sacred meal in remembrance of Him. Our Catholic faith professes the transubstantiation. Jesus is sacrificed on the altars of our churches at every Mass, and at every Mass we are invited back to that solemn last meal of Jesus with His disciples. For us, it is more than bread and wine. We receive Jesus’s body, blood, soul and divinity in the exact way He intended, and…

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    Lenten Reflection Day 38

    “I was wrong.” “My mistake.” “I should not have done or said that.” Are you a person who can easily admit a personal fault or failure? Do you often times find yourself making excuses for why you said or did something? If I’m being honest then I’d have to admit I fall into the latter category. Not all the time, but sometimes. It’s not easy quieting that little devil sitting on our shoulder who loves to whisper all kinds of sinful suggestions in our ear. Hopefully this Lent has allowed you extra time to reflect upon growing closer to God. Perhaps you were encouraged by a friend, loved one, or pastor…

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    Lenten Reflection Day 37

    “Go with the angels.” This is how my favorite virtual priest closes out our prayer sessions every so often. I say virtual, but he is a real person, a Vincentian priest, who happens to have a daily prayer podcast. The podcast is called The God Minute and it is awesome. I highly recommend it if you are looking for a new way to pray. This closing prayer I always find so surreal. The reminder we are in the presence of angels everyday is both encouraging and reassuring. Angels are present throughout all of scripture. They served as messengers of God, warriors, and comforters. We are told in Luke’s Gospel that…

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    Lenten Reflection Day 36

    The resurrection of Jesus is meaningful to us on many levels. One of those being a great symbol of hope. The Israelites had been waiting for God’s answer to their longing for salvation. Long had they kept watch in search of the messiah. Jesus was not at all what they expected and yet the miracles He worked, His teachings, and His knowledge of the Jewish law became for many devout Jews the obvious answer of God. Jesus was the physical embodiment of all they had hoped for. How joyous they must have felt being in His presence. His death challenged their belief in Him until His blessed resurrection was made…

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    Lenten Reflection Day 35

    Palm SundayWe read The Passion narrative today from Matthew’s Gospel 26: 14-27:66. There are so many moving pieces to this story. I really felt drawn to two subjects in particular: Peter and Jesus. Peter certainly seems to represent strength throughout Jesus’s ministry. We see Peter transform from the average Joe to the keeper of the keys.He has his faith tested when he steps out of the safety of the boat and into the sea, he is the first to declare Jesus “the Christ”, and he assures Jesus at the last supper of his fidelity in Him. We know that Jesus is fond of him and that He entrusts him to…

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    Lenten Reflection Day 34

    Ordinarily my family and I would be looking forward to receiving our blessed palm branches tomorrow at Mass as we celebrated the beginning of Holy Week. This year is going to be a little different. I find myself disappointed to be missing out on this great liturgical celebration and I feel let down that I cannot be in the presence of Jesus at such a a poignant time. Today’s scriptural selection, Ezekiel 37: 21-28, gave me some reassurance. Line 27 says, ” My dwelling shall be with them; I will be their God, and they will be my people.” God is everywhere. Jesus Christ is sacrificed on the altar every single…

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    Lenten Reflection Day 32

    Examples. Are you a person who thrives by them? Are you someone who prefers to “see” how something is done before you attempt it yourself? Are you someone who enjoys creating ‘How to’s’ for others? I am definitely dependent upon examples in my life. I find that I generally feel more confident beginning anything unfamiliar if I can see an example of how to do it first. From cooking or baking something unfamiliar, to installing a household appliance, the more examples I can get my hands on the better convinced I become that I can do it too. I feel like if we have learned anything from history it’s that…

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