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    Surrender and God’s Peace

    It’s 1 a.m. and I can hear the beautiful songs of birds outside my window. I find it strange, as it is not a sound I usually hear in my neighborhood at this hour. For the past two nights my youngest has had need of me in the pre-dawn, early morning hours. As this is fairly uncharacteristic, I find myself reflecting on just that, among other things, whilst the birds sing on in the background. As the minutes tick by I begin to reflect on the day’s events as well as what is to come for tomorrow. Daily reflection is a common practice among mothers, as I have come to…

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    “Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth.” Ps 104. We take a moment to reflect upon this beautiful psalm today as we celebrate the great feast of Pentecost. It is the Spirit of the Lord that was gifted to the apostles in the wake of Jesus returning to the Father. It is this same Spirit gifted to us on our Baptism as well as our confirmation day. We are told “they were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in different tongues, as the Spirit enabled them to proclaim,” Acts 2:1-11, but they received so much more than that. The Catechism of the…