
Lenten Reflection Day 30

My mom and dad brought over some groceries for my family today. Despite my protests of them being out and about during this time, they insisted. As soon as they pulled into the driveway we went out to greet them, within 6 feet of distance of course. The first thing my mom hands me is a beautiful hydrangea plant, springtime pink, in full bloom. “To brighten things up in the midst of all this crazy,” she said. I was moved. It wasn’t enough to drive to the store in the early morning hours, battle the rain storm, gear up in makeshift hazmat attire, weed through people and heavily picked-through grocery shelves, check off items on a list, gather items, drive to our home and deliver them, she also wanted to add her special touch, her something extra, just to make us smile.

Have you ever been blown away by a sunrise or sunset? Do you enjoy the melodious sounds of birds singing in the trees as they greet the new day? Have you ever laughed out loud at something funny your kids have said? Your spouse? A friend? Have you ever been greeted with a warm hello from a neighbor or wished a sincere “take care” from a complete stranger? These are all “something extra” given to us freely in order to make our day brighter. These things happen to us more often then not if we only pay attention. A text message that lifts our mood, the front parking space close to the store entrance, your favorite song playing on the radio, the something extras.

What ‘extra’ has God blessed you with today? My beautiful plant was one of them, but I received many others. When we mentally recall our day, it should be easy to see multiple “somethings” were all around us.

God’s love cannot be contained. He pours it out for you and I every minute of every day. Our health, our possessions, our family, our earth, the food we eat, the clothes we wear, etc., etc. On top of all that, He sends out reminders for those of us able to stop and acknowledge His handiwork.

CHALLENGE: Spend a few moments tonight before you fall asleep recalling the events of your day. Is there a moment you can recall where you were in the presence of God via His “something extra”? Did He send you a messenger, like He sent me, delivered joy, hope, laughter, support, peace today? Was there a moment you were taken aback by the beauty of our natural world that you experienced today? Thank God for it and ask Him to help you be able to identify His presence in your life more and more each day.

Blessings to You and Yours!

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