
Lenten Reflection Day 32


Are you a person who thrives by them? Are you someone who prefers to “see” how something is done before you attempt it yourself? Are you someone who enjoys creating ‘How to’s’ for others? I am definitely dependent upon examples in my life. I find that I generally feel more confident beginning anything unfamiliar if I can see an example of how to do it first. From cooking or baking something unfamiliar, to installing a household appliance, the more examples I can get my hands on the better convinced I become that I can do it too.

I feel like if we have learned anything from history it’s that people tend to be really good at giving examples, whether by their instruction, their actions, or their lives. As children most of us were brought up very similarly to how our own parents were raised. Though we didn’t realize it at the time, we were learning how to act, behave, speak and think, molded around the examples our parents had been given.

Somewhere down the road of adulthood we find ourselves shell-shocked when we utter a familiar phrase or react or behave a certain way, recognizing that word or attitude to belong to someone else from the past. You may even catch yourself uttering, “Oh, no, I sound just like my ___.” Our parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, siblings, neighbors, classmates, roommates, boyfriends/girlfriends, etc. all taught us things by way of their examples. Much of how we live our lives comes from the influence of others and what they taught us, from how to fold our laundry to what political party we should vote for. What we chose to do with the examples of others has shaped who we are as individuals.

Do you know who else is really good at giving examples? God. Throughout the old testament He lead His followers through all sorts of calamities and sorrow by the example of His holy and chosen people. Great prophets who fearlessly led God’s people, often blindly at times, trusting their faith in God to see them through. Their example of faithfulness and fidelity to God inspired others to follow suit.

God gave us a more tangible example of His great love of us when He sent His son Jesus Christ. Everything about Jesus was meant to be our example. From His humble and lowly birth, through to His miraculous healings, miracles and ministry, and finally His death and resurrection. These were all examples of how we are to live our lives, with humility, trust in God, complete abandonment to the will of God, and commitment to follow God even through the biggest trials of our lives. Jesus’s resurrection furthered the example as to the reward God bestows on His beloved.

Our sphere of influence has always included God, even if some of us only ever knew Him as our conscience. Every Bible story, every Mass attended, every family rosary, every charitable activity, these were all the examples of God, working to inspire and influence us into deeper relationship with Him. Have we worked to cultivate these practices of attending Mass, praying, reading the Bible and performing charitable acts this Lent? Have we led anyone closer to Jesus by the examples of our lives? There’s still time, friends. We have just under 2 weeks left to close out this years Lenten journey. Let us open our hearts to God and invite Him to work through us for His greater glory.

REFLECTION: “Few souls understand what God would accomplish in them if they were to abandon themselves unreservedly to Him and if they were to allow His grace to mold them accordingly.” Pope St. Gregory the Great.

Blessings to You and Yours!

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