
Lenten Reflection Day 39

“You are what you eat.”

Today we celebrate the institution of the Eucharist. Jesus breaking bread with His disciples explaining to them that He is the bread of Life. Those who eat of this bread will never die. He instructs them to continue this sacred meal in remembrance of Him.

Our Catholic faith professes the transubstantiation. Jesus is sacrificed on the altars of our churches at every Mass, and at every Mass we are invited back to that solemn last meal of Jesus with His disciples. For us, it is more than bread and wine. We receive Jesus’s body, blood, soul and divinity in the exact way He intended, and in the manner shared with His disciples this day more than two-thousand years ago.

We, as partakers of Jesus’s body and blood, have the unique privilege of receiving the Lord intimately within ourselves. When received properly, we are giving God the chance to transform us by this encounter with Him. To heal us and to empower us to continue on our journey to Heaven. When we receive our Lord in communion we become that which we take in, the Body of Christ.

Blessings to You and Yours!

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