
Paying Attention

Sitting in Mass the other evening, All Soul’s Day, my son was a bundle of energy. He has been educated as to how to behave in Mass and usually does fine. However, this particular Mass was proving to be exceptionally challenging for him. I found myself correcting him multiple times culminating in the dreaded “mom stare of seriousness.” All I kept thinking was how badly I wanted to shout “why can’t you pay attention?” “Don’t you realize what is happening here?”

It was in this moment of frustration that I heard the Lord speak to me saying tell me about it. How often has God felt frustrated by my lack of focus and concentration? If I’m honest probably daily. What about you? Do you always pay attention?

Life makes it difficult. There is always something or someone vying for my attention. Try as I might even my prayer time often gets interrupted either by an outside force or by my own inner thoughts bouncing around inside my head. I’m sure God has wanted to call down from the clouds, ” Hey, can’t you pay attention even for a little while?”

How patient is our God.

Logic tells me that my son is still young and can’t help he has so much energy. In a way his inability to keep still is expected. Yet, I can’t help but have the expectation that he should be the poster child for good behavior. Is this how God considers us?

He created us and became like us. Surely he knows our propensity to lose focus and not fully appreciate the moment. But not fully paying attention at a work meeting is very different than not paying attention to the extraordinary sacrifice taking place in Holy Mass.

I say again, God is so very patient.

Just as our children need gentle reminders to pay attention in Mass and be on their best behavior, we also need the reminder. Are we able to be truly present in the moment?

Our daily lives are filled with so many “moments” especially when concerning our children. What are we making of them? Are we paying attention to our children, our spouse, our neighbor? Do we realize the significance of the moments we spend with these individuals? Moments so fleeting and not assured of happening a second time.

God interacts with us every day in the most basic of ways.

Are we aware?

Friends, consider this your reminder, minus the “mom stare,” to pay attention and be aware of what’s happening around you. Be present in the lives of your children and family members. Listen intently, play together, make a mess, laugh and cry, connect. Paying attention means you won’t miss out on the fruits of these interactions.

So the next time you catch yourself daydreaming during Mass or going over your To Do list while saying your prayers remember that God deserves your full attention too. And while you’re at it, thank Him for his unending patience and love for you!

Blessings to You and Yours!