
Lenten Reflection Day 4

First Sunday of Lent. Today our gospel selection tells the story of Jesus being tempted by the devil. Jesus dismissed each of the three temptations and was able to refute the devil by using direct quotations from the scriptures. This encounter between Jesus and the devil culminates with the famous line uttered by Jesus, “Get behind me Satan.” There is so much to be observed in this gospel. Jesus had been in the desert, fasting and praying for 40 days. As He was in the midst of a personal retreat, spending time in prayer, when He receives his visit from the devil. How often do we find ourselves dealing with great temptations just as we begin to make space for God in our lives? Jesus was able to thwart the devil at each temptation by quoting the Scriptures. Here He becomes our example, modeling for us the way to steer ourselves from temptation. Contemplating God’s word is a powerful way to refocus our attentions on what truly matters and to keep our demons at bay. Whether it is reading from Scripture, reflecting on the word of God, reciting a beloved prayer, or simply spending a few moments in quiet contemplation, those practices, which shift our focus to that of Jesus, will be all we need to keep our behaviors ‘in check’ and help us to steer clear of temptation.
CHALLENGE: As we near our first full week of Lent, continue to reflect inward to identify the root of your biggest temptation. Make a promise to yourself that you will choose to turn toward the Lord and ask his help to turn you from those things which keep you from being the best version of yourself. Gather strength from those words of Jesus, “Get behind me Satan.” The Lord will be your strength and will be glad to come to your aide, all you need is to ask.
Blessings to You and Yours!

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