
Lenten Reflection Day 5

Free play, free time, free parking. Generally anything beginning with the word ‘free’ gets people excited. Just 2 days ago, we received a ‘free day’ in the way of an additional day added to the month of February. Every 4 years we are gifted this additional day (Leap Year) to ensure our calendar days align with the seasons of the year, i.e. Spring. How did you spend your extra day this year? What did you do? Was it time well spent? Time seems to be the one thing we never have enough of and yet can be so careless with. How many of us find ourselves over-extended by all our commitments? Between jobs, kids, school, athletics, extra curriculars, fundraisers, charity events, family/social gatherings, church or small group, there is often more activity at the end of the day then the actual TIME needed to do them in. In a day and age where staying at home is simply impossible, what are we to do? Enter the season of Lent. The church gives us this TIME to stop and take rest, to breath and slow down, to break away from life’s maddening speed and walk beside the Lord in slow but steady strides. God reaches out to us in moments of stillness if we only make the TIME.
CHALLENGE: Choose 1 activity this week that you can get assistance with or shuffle around to get done at a later date. That being the following day, week, or an hour or two later that day. With the TIME you free up, do something for yourself or someone you love to renew your/their spirit. Just as we prepare to rid our souls of sinful stain, we need to make the room to accept God and his many graces. Giving ourselves or another the opportunity to be openly ready for receiving the miracle of the Resurrection, at the end of our Lenten journey, is TIME well spent.
Blessings to You and Yours!

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