
Lenten Reflection Day 11

I am begotten by God. You are begotten by God. Everyone here today, and those that have already been called back home, are and were desired by God. I am often awestruck by this reality. Theologians have determined that God exists outside of linear time. With that in mind, imagine God seeing all of eternity in a single moment and deciding that his perfect plan was/is only made so with you and I a part of it. Just let that sink in for a moment……is your mind blown yet? God wants us! We help to complete His plan. He values and loves us so much that he could not image an existence without you or I! And what he desires more than anything is an eternity spent with us. If that doesn’t fill you with hope and confidence even on your worst day, then I don’t know what will. So how do we get there? How do we attain this goal of sharing eternity with the Lord? the first place to start is believing He wants you there. Saying with confidence that you are loved and desired by God and believing it. Think back to our negativity exercise. Satan would have us believe we are worthless and undesirable. God created us for Himself and we are precious and loved by Him. Next, you must desire to get to Heaven and live a life in that pursuit. Lent helps us to fine tune ourselves to make sure we are living out each day to it’s full potential, in a way that will help us stay close to God. Part of that self reflection is an examination of conscience and a penitent heart unafraid to ask for God’s forgiveness. Lastly, we are called to make a renewed commitment to do our best day after day to know, love, and serve the Lord through our actions, words and good works.
CHALLENGE: This week, stand up to Satan. Anytime he begins to whisper into your ear the lie that you are unwanted, unloved, not good enough, or unworthy of God’s mercy and love; be bold, and give praise to God, for every negative thought you may have. God loves you and I beyond comprehension and we are sons and daughters of The King. Find a way to thank the Lord for this inheritance through a good work or continued good work.
Blessings to You and Yours!

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