
Lenten Reflection 12

Scripture is such a wealth of spiritual goodness! Yesterday’s Gospel selection was no exception. We read from Luke ch. 6 verses 36-38. Jesus is instructing His disciples on the way in which they are to live. He gives them a very brief but morally stout charge; to be merciful, to pass no judgment or condemnation on anyone, and to share their gifts with others. It is in this passage that Jesus says “For the measure with which you measure will in return be measured out to you.”
It’s the golden rule, isn’t it? Treat others the way you want to be treated. It’s the greatest commandment, love your neighbor as yourself. If we desire to be forgiven then we must forgive, if we wish to receive mercy then we must be merciful, and if we want to have God shower us with his gifts then we must be willing to share our gifts with others. Is there someone in your life that needs your forgiveness? Are there any blessings in your life that you would be willing to share (time, talent, or treasure)? Have you been able to act with mercy in dealing with personal trials? Jesus reminds us that God keeps score. He is ever vigilant and always rooting for us to do the right thing.
CHALLENGE: Take one of the three key elements in Luke’s Gospel reading (mercy, forgiveness, charity) and find a way to act on them this week. Forgive someone who has wronged you, be merciful toward a family member, coworker or neighbor that seems to always get under your skin, volunteer at a local soup kitchen or hospital. If you are unable, perhaps consider going to confession, where you are assured of experiencing God’s forgiveness and mercy.
Blessings to You and Yours!

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