
Lenten Reflection Day 24

I ran across a quote today that really moved me. It seemed to speak to me on many levels. The quote comes from my child’s catechism book and it goes like this “No greater gift can a person give than his own life for someone else.” Now of course, in the context of this religious text, the author is describing the sacrificial offering of Jesus on the cross. While we are moving into the 5th week of Lent, it made for a very special lesson for myself and my children. While the sacrifice of Jesus was profound, and did more for us than we will ever truly be able to comprehend, it can sometime feel stale, rehearsed because it is a story so well-known. The familiarity of the story can at times desensitize us to the magnificence of it. That said, I was immediately struck with images of those who have sacrificed themselves for my sake. My mother endured nearly nine months of pregnancy to bring me into the world, sacrificing her body so that I could live. As I grew, she and my father sacrificed their time, finances, and often their own well-being for my sake. I think of my siblings who have gone out of their way on many occasions often times sacrificing their time and money to do so. I think of my husband who selflessly gives of his time, week after week, to provide a life for myself and our children. I think of the sacrifices he made in service to our country, which in turn benefited me. I think of friends, relatives, neighbors, pastors, former students and coworkers who sacrificed of themselves for my benefit. I am left feeling immense gratitude towards these people and it inspires me to want to pay it forward. I think this is the message God meant to share with me today. He’s reminding me that sacrificial love began at the cross, over 2000 years ago and continues. Every celebration of Holy Mass is a re-sharing in the ultimate sacrifice of His son in the greatest display of love ever known to the human race. And while no sacrifice on earth will ever measure up to that of Jesus, He is reminding me to look around and see the other people giving of themselves for the betterment of another. He also reminds me to take my own sacrificial gift of being a wife and mother a little more seriously. He challenges me to give of myself more generously as I keep in mind it’s my family I give myself to (my time, energy, finances) and that in serving my family well I in turn serve God well, and He faithfully rewards such sacrifice.
CHALLENGE: Open your hearts more fully this week. Make sure to thank someone who constantly gives of themselves for your benefit. It may even be someone in your community. Don’t forget to include our parish priests as well as the elderly. Try to go about your daily tasks with a bit more grace, striving to serve your family or community with a greater sense of who you are really serving. May we make of ourselves a worthy sacrifice to the Lord.
Blessings to You and Yours!

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