
Lenten Reflection Day 14

Fear, more often than not it is what motivates us and calls us to action. We go to work for fear of losing our jobs, we perpetually say ‘yes’ to projects and events for fear of being disliked or excluded, we overprotect our kids for fear of them being hurt, the list goes on. While non of these actions are necessarily bad, we should stop to reflect just why we respond this way and then seek out a better resolve. Blessed Padre Pio had a suggestion for dealing with fear, “Pray, hope, and don’t worry.” It seems simple enough in theory, but how does it translate to practical application within our daily lives? It all comes down to what we allow into our personhood. What we listen to, what we read can all have an impact on our Spirit. Now more than ever our world is globally connected and the amount of information available at our fingertips is staggering. Its impossible to watch the news, listen to the radio, check email or text messages, see billboards along the road, or read a magazine or newspaper without encountering some form of impending threat to our world, our country, our cities and neighborhoods. Whether war, disease, crime, or injustices we are ‘informed’ of these atrocities everywhere we turn. These uncertainties help to fuel an every growing pandemic of fear that has become as natural as the air we breathe. Blessed Padre Pio gives us a simple way to calm the storm of fear swirling around us and invite peace back into our lives. First, prayer. What does prayer require us to do? Focus on the Lord. In prayer we recognize that there is someone greater than ourselves who loves us and wants to take care of us. Prayer requires a certain element of trust as well. Trust that God is listening and that he will be beside us always to guide and protect us whatever may come. Second, hope. Jesus Christ is the definition of this word. The Father sent him in response to the hope of the prophets. That His resurrection would free them from captivity and allow them into Heaven. So Jesus is our redeemer as well. Lent reminds us of this. Because of Jesus we can now hope for Heaven as our eternal reward. “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” Jn 16:33. Lastly, do not worry. To worry implies a selfish act. When we begin to think about ourselves, “What will I do if…”, “What is going to happen to me”, “Will I be alright”? These are all very self-centered concerns. It is then we must exercise our faith and revisit steps 1 and 2, turning back toward God, keeping our gaze ever fixed upon Him, and let Him be in control. When we fully trust in God and place all our faith in Him, we will have peace that surpasses all understanding, and better yet, will be exalting the Father by living in Him and with Him.
CHALLENGE: Let go of fear today. Surrender to God and give him what is bothering you. Open up to a conversation with Him and give him all of your troubles. Ask him to walk with you in letting go and surrendering that you do not have all the answers, and to be at peace with that. Ask him to increase your faith and to allow you to trust in Him more deeply.
Blessings to You and Yours!

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