
Lenten Reflection Day 25

Water. For the past several weeks the daily scriptural readings have mentioned water. It seems pretty basic, hardly profound, and yet it is being mentioned over and over again. Water, as we know, is essential to sustain life. Our own human bodies are made up of over 50% water and our planet is 97% water. If we lose even as little as 10% of the water within our bodies, we begin to experience immediate health problems such as low blood pressure, increased heart rate, fever, unconsciousness, all of which can and will prompt serious medical decline. When our earth becomes parched and various areas experience drought the foliage begins to wither and fade, animals migrate if they can or become sick and die, crops and vegetation become disturbed, which threatens commerce and incites fear amongst us. Water is vital to our existence and with it we have the opportunity to flourish and blossom. Water is life-giving. Over the past week we have read about Jesus’s encounter with the woman at the well. In his thirst he asks her for a drink. They engage in dialogue and Jesus tells her those that drink the water He gives will never thirst. We have read about Jesus meeting the ill man at the pool of Bethesda. He asks the man if he wishes to be made well and he is physically unable to get his body into the pool. Jesus heals him immediately. We also read of Jesus curing the blind man with his spittle and dirt where the man’s physical healing was only complete after he washed himself with water. What is the takeaway? We are transformed by water. It began at our baptisms. Our souls were cleansed by the sacramental waters and we were given God’s sanctifying grace, thus being invited into a closer relationship with God as His son or daughter. This Lenten season gives us a chance to renew that baptismal promise of belonging to the Lord. As Jesus told the Samaritan woman, He wishes to give us water that will quench our thirst forever. If we abide in the Lord He sustains us. He gives us His life-giving grace, through the waters of Baptism, and this grace helps to sustain us until we reach our heavenly home. AS the waters of biblical time healed, refreshed, cleansed, and gave life, may it continue to do so in our present time. May the life-giving waters of God heal our brokenness, refresh our spirits, cleanse us from sin and help us to gain eternal life, where we shall thirst no more.
REFLECTION: Consider acquiring a holy water font for your home. Put it in a place easily accessible to everyone in the home. Get into the practice of blessing yourself daily (maybe before leaving for the day, or before bed) as a way of renewing your own baptismal vows.
Blessings to You and Yours!

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