
Lenten Reflection Day 37

“Go with the angels.” This is how my favorite virtual priest closes out our prayer sessions every so often. I say virtual, but he is a real person, a Vincentian priest, who happens to have a daily prayer podcast. The podcast is called The God Minute and it is awesome. I highly recommend it if you are looking for a new way to pray.

This closing prayer I always find so surreal. The reminder we are in the presence of angels everyday is both encouraging and reassuring.

Angels are present throughout all of scripture. They served as messengers of God, warriors, and comforters. We are told in Luke’s Gospel that Jesus, knowing that His hour was at hand, wept bitterly and was in agony. Luke tells us that an angel was sent to Him. “Father, if you are willing, take this cup away from me; still, not my will but yours be done.” And to strengthen him an angel from heaven appeared to him.” Luke 22:42-43.

If the veil between Heaven and earth could be lifted, I imagine angels would have been visible alongside Jesus through his entire Passion, offering him encouragement and strength to follow through with God’s plan.

I believe that’s what we are being commissioned to do. To “go with the angels” is asking us to join them in offering encouragement and strength to one another in our times of trial. To bear God’s message of hope and love to others when they need it the most.

Blessings to You and Yours!

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