
Lenten Reflection Day 6

I am not good enough. I am not smart enough. I am too fat. I am ugly. I will never be as successful as they are. I am unlovable. God doesn’t care about me, etc., etc. Has the Devil ever spoken one of these lies to you? Did you believe him? My guess is that at one time or another you did. I have. Maybe you are dwelling on one of these falsehoods right now. I’m here to invite you to let go of these lies this lent. While we are busy fasting from other things (chocolate, television, sugar, fast food, etc.) let us also fast from these self-destructive lies that seek to destroy us from the inside out.
CHALLENGE: As Dr. Popcak, of Catholic family counseling reknown put it, let us safeguard our “Lental Health” this year. Each time the Devil whispers a falsehood into your ear, take the necessary precautions to protect your Spirit and your mental health. For each lie impressed upon your soul, counteract it with a positive affirmation. Write it down. Instead of the lie, “God doesn’t love me,” write down an example of something positive in your life that has been a blessing from God. It could be a promotion at work, an unexpected bill that you somehow had the money to pay, or simply for a day without rain! Then thank God for the gift of his love. Proof of God’s love for us is all around us everyday, we only need to open our eyes and be made aware. Feel free to share your positive affirmations with friends and family using
Blessings to You and Yours!

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