
Lenten Reflection Day 7

Forgiveness. There’s nothing quite like it. It can soothe the soul giving wings to a heavy heart, and yet it can be one of the most challenging things to do. We know how important it is to forgive one another. It’s so important Jesus made sure to speak of it often in the Gospels. Take MT 6: 7-15 for example. Jesus tells the disciples to forgive others that offend them either in word or deed. He goes on to state the importance of this practice as it relates to God. “If you forgive men their transgressions, your heavenly Father will forgive you. But if you do not forgive men, neither will your Father forgive your transgressions.” God expects us to pass the olive branch to our neighbors and forgive them as many times as we can. God the Father will reward us for this by means of forgiving our own shortcomings and failures. Even when it seems impossible we must try. Who among us can say with full conviction that we do not need the merciful forgiveness of God? Let us not forget to forgive ourselves too. Often times we dwell on past events where we behaved or acted less than favorably. Let it go. Allow yourself to bathe in the balm of forgiveness because unless you are open to receiving it you cannot share it with others.
CHALLENGE: Make an effort to reconcile with someone this week/season. Free yourself of the burden of hurt and enjoy the transformative healing of forgiveness. For those of us who are Catholic, the Sacrament of Reconciliation will be made available several times from now until Easter. If you haven’t received this sacrament in a while I encourage you to revisit it. The graces you will receive are innumerable and will bless you with the peace of God that transcends our own understanding. May the healing power of the Father’s forgiveness touch your life this season.
Blessings to You and Yours!

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