
Lenten Reflection Day 8

Serve with your whole heart, as if serving the Lord, not people.” EPH 6: 7

“As for me and my house we will serve the Lord” Joshua 25:15. Service, a word we are very familiar with, and I daresay find so commonplace that we may not think much about it’s meaning. The Oxford English dictionary defines service as “the action of helping or doing work for someone.” In the scriptural passage from Joshua, he was referring to the later portion of the definition, ‘doing work for someone.’ Of course the work he did was evangelical as he spread the message of God to all the people. Joshua was one of MANY such individuals all throughout scripture who heard God’s call to a life of service and bravely answered that call. Scripture is often referred to as the ‘living’ word of God, meaning the lessons, messages, affirmations, and truths spoken and recorded long ago are still viable today. The message of Jesus is meant for our ears to hear, our eyes to read, and our Spirits to receive just as the holy man and women received these truths long ago. Our ‘great commission’ is to go out into the world sharing the Gospel message by way of our lives. That our words and actions may be an example to others and label us as followers of Christ. Such a calling is not easy. There will be much sacrifice and discipline required. As followers of Christ we are called to a life of service to others. Putting others needs before our own. After all Jesus was our greatest example of this as he performed his duties, according to the Father, serving Him above all others. It is this same service we are called to. To serve the Father through the daily works of our hands, hearts, and minds.
CHALLENGE: Look for ways you can be of greater service this day. Is there someone at work who could really use some help (encouragement, prayer, share in the burden of a laborious task)? Maybe someone within your family is struggling to get things done (bills paid, help around the house, assistance with daily tasks) and could benefit from a helping hand, etc. Would you be able to answer God’s invitation to serve Him by helping one of these in need? Charitable acts never go unnoticed by God and each time we make one we grow closer to the reality of becoming the person God created us to be. May the actions of our daily lives echo the words of Joshua, “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”
Blessings to You and Yours!

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