
Surrender and God’s Peace

It’s 1 a.m. and I can hear the beautiful songs of birds outside my window. I find it strange, as it is not a sound I usually hear in my neighborhood at this hour.

For the past two nights my youngest has had need of me in the pre-dawn, early morning hours. As this is fairly uncharacteristic, I find myself reflecting on just that, among other things, whilst the birds sing on in the background.

As the minutes tick by I begin to reflect on the day’s events as well as what is to come for tomorrow. Daily reflection is a common practice among mothers, as I have come to learn from other moms. It is a practice that comes naturally and is often done as ritualistically as applying night creme.

It is usually during this self evaluation that “mom guilt” is at it’s zenith and our inner demons find their voice. Did I perform my daily duties out of love for my family or did I do them begrudgingly? Did I speak kindly to members of my family today? Was I able and willing to give my kids and spouse my full attention and time? Would I have made a good impression before God today, as one of His followers, as I went about my daily life? Sound familiar? These nighttime musings can really hit below the belt sometimes and leave us feeling defeated despite our best efforts.

In addition to these assessments, I tend to mull over my list of obligations for the next day. Many times I make resolutions on how to conduct myself in a manner better than the day before. I will make sure I spend more time playing with my son. I will take the extra time to prepare a healthy meal for the family. I will make the time to do a fun activity alongside my daughter. I will put my phone down and really focus on what my husband has to say, even when I disagree, etc., etc.

Resolutions are beautiful and meaningful and they help us to reach our goals, but I am just one person, and it doesn’t take long to feel overwhelmed. That’s when I began listening to the birds singing outside my window. In that moment I felt God was reminding me to breath and to just listen. He was serenading me, reassuring me that He was there and that He wants to help. All I needed to do was breath and then lean on Him.

The Psalms tell us to not be anxious about anything but, instead, pray about everything. We are told to cast our burdens onto the shoulders of God and to trust Him will all our many concerns and fears. During His ministry, Jesus reminded us of this in Matthew’s Gospel chapter 11 verses 28 and 30: “Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest,” and “For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

I closed my eyes and began to listen more intently to the beautiful melodies outside my window. In the stillness I prayed, a simple prayer, one I made up on the spot, asking God to lift my many burdens and to deepen my trust in Him, that I may experience true peace and be able to rest through the night trusting in His promise.

Did I experience God’s peace immediately? I can’t say. But I did feel a lightness and a deep sense of calm, and I can’t recall much beyond that simple prayer, which tells me I drifted off to sleep happily and without the heaviness of anxiety and worry.

To say that I am no longer afflicted by anything adverse or worrisome because of this early morning encounter with God would be false. Surrendering to God is a daily practice and choice. He invites us all to trust Him with all of our concerns as a means of uncomplicating our lives. It is up to us whether or not we accept.

How often have you looked at your children and thought how wonderful it would be to enjoy life with their same carefree attitude? They do not get bogged down with fear and anxiety as we do because they trust in you and me, their parents, to help them handle anything that feels too heavy for them.

God invites us as His children to come to Him with all life’s heaviness and let Him take care of it.

Friends, we owe it to ourselves to let go. Stop carrying the weight of the world on our shoulders. We don’t have to. You deserve a life free from the debilitating anxieties and fear that are often self-inflicted. God’s desire for His children is a life of happiness which can only be obtained when we closely follow Him and put our trust entirely in Him.

Whether you’re like me and tend to late-night (read early morning) muse, or you self assess all throughout the day, remember to take time to breath. Pause for a moment to offer a prayer of surrender to God. Make this a habit. Together, you and I can work toward becoming filled with the peace of God, promised to us as His sons and daughters.

Prayer for Peace of Mind and Heart

Eternal, Holy God,

I come to you burdened with worries, fears, doubts, and troubles. Calm and quiet me with peace of mind. Empty me of the anxiety that disturbs me, of the concerns that weary my spirit, and weigh heavy on my heart. Loosen my grip on the disappointments and grievances I hold on to so tightly.

Release me from the pain of past hurts, of present anger and tension, of future fears. Sometimes It’s too much for me Lord, too many demands and problems, too much sadness, suffering, and stress. Renew me spiritually and emotionally. Give me new strength, hope, and confidence. Prepare me to meet the constant struggles of daily life with a deeper faith and trust in you. Let your love set me free, for peace, for joy, for grace, for life, for others, forever.

Amen.Catholic Doors Ministry

Blessings to You and Yours!

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